Build Your Future City Exhibit

Build Your Future City is an immersive touch-table exhibit that offers visitors a dynamic and interactive urban planning adventure. Through an innovative combination of touch technology and specialized pucks, participants are empowered to make key decisions that will shape the future of their hypothetical city.

تجربة الزائر

  1. City Planning Empowerment: Take on the role of an urban planner with the power to design a futuristic cityscape. You have a budget, and it’s up to you to allocate resources wisely for your future city.

  2. Interactive Touch Table: Use your fingers to navigate and explore the city map. Zoom in on specific areas, assess existing issues, and plan your interventions.

  3. Puck-Based Decision-Making: The unique pucks introduce a new level of interaction. Use them to select from a range of futuristic city solutions. Your choices will directly affect the city’s development.

  4. Budget Allocation: Determine how much of your budget you’re willing to invest in each selected solution. Balance your finances to address critical issues while keeping an eye on sustainability and progress.

  5. Performance Evaluation: At the end of your planning journey, your performance will be evaluated. See the consequences of your decisions on the city’s development, sustainability, and quality of life.

Lessons Learned by Future City Exhibit

As the visitors come across build your future city exhibit, they will encounter a flat touch surface with a beautifully designed puck on top of it. Following are the key features of the experience:

  1. رؤى التخطيط الحضري: Build Your Future City interactive promotes an understanding of urban planning concepts, revealing how various city aspects are interconnected.
  2. مهارات إتخاذ القرار: احصل على فهم أعمق لأهمية اتخاذ القرارات المدروسة في تطوير المدن، مع الأخذ في الاعتبار عوامل مثل النمو السكاني واحتياجات البنية التحتية.
  3. ديناميات النظام: اكتشف كيف يمكن للتغيرات في مستويات السكان أن تؤثر على البنية التحتية للمدينة وأنظمة النقل. 
  4. الوعي بالاستدامة: تشجيع التنمية الحضرية المستدامة من خلال اتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة توازن بين النمو والاعتبارات البيئية والمجتمعية.

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الموضوعات القابلة للتطبيق

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